Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Doctors Can’t Explain It

Once again, the doctors are amazed. As far as medical science is concerned, our son should not be doing nearly as well as he is. The medicine that is keeping the artery open that is keeping him alive should be starting to cause his other blood vessels to begin to relax which should start lowering his blood pressure. However, the doctors can find no evidence that our son is having the negative side effects of the medicine at all. Therefore, they are now considering postponing his surgery for a few more days to allow him some additional time to grow. The more he grows, the less risky the heart surgery. The doctor who directs the NICU said he can’t explain why the drug is having such limited negative effects. I certainly know why, though, and we praise God for His blessing.

In any case, the doctors are very encouraged by how well he is doing and, for the first time, actually seem optimistic when they talk to us.

Today had two wonderful blessings - I got to hold my son (for the first time) for over an hour while he slept, and my wife was able to feed him milk through a bottle. He is still weak, and he wasn’t able to take much of the milk, but he did well with what he could take. They are also giving him regular feedings of breast milk through a feeding tube to help him grow.

Here are a few more pictures of our son:

Originally posted at:

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